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Temple Hillel B'nai Torah , Denomination: Reconstructionist

Temple Hillel B'nai Torah 
120 Corey Street Boston (West Roxbury) MA 02132-2330
Phone: 617-323-0486
Web: www.templehbt.org 
E-mail: hbtoffice@templehbt.org
Rabbi: Barbara Penzner
   Temple Hillel B'nai Torah is a Reconstructionist congregation that is welcoming, egalitarian, multicultural, and inclusive.  Our core values are worship, study, social justice and community.  We are a community that is rooted in Jewish tradition and responsive to the world we live in, and we actively engage our members in the creative process of bringing new perspectives to tradition and making tradition meaningful to contemporary lives.
   Our rabbi, Barbara Rosman Penzner, brings openness that is derived from a Reconstructionist perspective.  She is motivated by a commitment to justice, love of Judaism, and sensitivity to our individual journeys.  She inspires us to make Judaism an essential part of everyday life.
   Our community of about 170 households is made up of individuals, couples and families, children and seniors, multi-racial families, GLBT families, interfaith families, and members of all different Jewish backgrounds.  Our members live in West Roxbury, Roslindale, Jamaica Plain, Dorchester, Newton, Needham, Brookline, and other Greater Boston neighborhoods.

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Boston Jewish Spirit , Denomination: Reform

Boston Jewish Spirit 
15 Newbury Street Boston MA 02116
Phone: 617-262-1202
Web: www.bostonjewishspirit.org 
E-mail: info@bostonjewishspirit.org
Rabbi: Howard Berman

Boston Jewish Spirit was founded in 2004 as the first synagogue in the Back Bay, and is the only Reform Temple in the center of the city. Our growing membership comes from throughout the metro area. BJS is a liberal, inclusive Reform congregation committed to the opportunities, challenges and diversity of urban life. Our worship  and spiritual values are rooted in the historic Classical Reform tradition, interpreted in contemporary, inclusive ways.

We welcome all who are seeking to experience Judaism's universal ideals and traditions, regardless of religious background. We extend a special welcome to interfaith and multicultural families, LGBT people and residents of Boston's city neighborhoods. Together we seek to create a community of worship, learning and service, grounded in the timeless Jewish vision of a "house of prayer for all people," and responding to the mandate of our Hebrew Prophets to work for justice and peace in the world.

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Temple Israel , Denomination: Reform
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue Boston MA 02215
Phone: 617-566-3960
Web: www.tisrael.org 
E-mail: info@tisrael.org
Rabbi: Ronne Friedman
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Congregation Beth Elohim , Denomination: Non-Movement Affiliated
Congregation Beth Elohim 
133 Prospect Street P.O. Box 2218 Acton MA 01720
Phone: 978-263-3061
Web: www.bethelohim.org 
E-mail: cbeacton@bethelohim.org
Rabbi: Lewis Mintz
Congregation Beth Elohim is an independent, progressive synagogue providing a welcoming community for Jews in Acton and surrounding towns. We offer a full range of worship opportunities, Jewish education for adults and children, and an active social agenda. Sabbath services are held most Friday evenings at 8 p.m. with Rabbi Lewis Mintz officiating, followed by Oneg Shabbat. Our Tot Shabbat and Family Service are held at 7:15 p.m. on the first Friday of every month from October through June. Tot Shabbat, a very special and warm service, welcomes the Sabbath with songs, puppets and stories for our youngest congregants. Please also join us for Saturday morning Shabbat services at 10:00 a.m. Congregation Beth Elohim offers exciting education programs for adults and children including the Holiday Preschool and Religious School, the JCC Early Childhood Education Center and Summer Camp, and thought-provoking adult education sessions. Our social calendar includes progressive dinners, concerts and outings to attend plays for adults, and many holiday celebrations for children and families. Please visit or contact us for more information.

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Kahal Braira , Denomination: Humanistic
Kahal Braira 
MA 02459
Phone: 617-969-4596
Web:  www.kahalbraira.org 
E-mail: info@kahalbraira.org
Kahal B'raira, a congregation of Secular Humanistic Jews, has been meeting in the Boston area since 1975. We meet for services, discussion, culture, Sunday school, teen/youth groups, and other events. Our Sunday school includes pre-kindergarten through eighth grade classes with additional Hebrew and Bar/Bat Mitzvah programming. We also hold Sabbath services on the first Friday of each month. We are affiliated with the national Society for Humanistic Judaism. Humanistic Judaism embraces a philosophy that combines rational thinking with a celebration of Judaic culture and identity. Humanistic Jews value their Jewish identity and the aspects of Jewish culture that offer a genuine expression of their contemporary way of life. Kahal B'raira welcomes anyone who identifies with our culture and values. Our community is enriched by the contributions of our diverse membership. We celebrate Jewish holidays and life cycle events with inspirational ceremonies that draw upon, but seek to go beyond, traditional literature. In general the Adult Meetings (which take place during Sunday School hours), consist of: a brief business meeting; schmooze time; a spiritual service; and a feature program. Our feature programs, a hallmark of our congregation, are engaging and thought provoking. 

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