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New Post 4/30/2008 7:17 AM
  Ellen Cohn
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Summer Beit Midrash program  (United States) (
Modified By host  on 4/30/2008 7:18:48 AM)

The Center for Modern Torah Leadership's acclaimed Summer Beit Midrash is now recruiting Fellows- outstanding men and women- for this year's session, to be held Wednesday, July 2 through Monday, August 11, 2008. The Summer Beit Midrash is an intensive and exhilarating learning program that allows advanced students to pursue compelling questions with intellectual rigor and ethical integrity in the framework of a warm and challenging community, and to experience themselves as active contributors to the halakhic conversation.  This year's seminar will center on the theme: Deciding Halakhah for a non-Halackhic constituency: The case for credibility.

Graduates of this unique summer program-designed to cultivate effective and courageous Orthodox leaders, now hold positions in the Jewish community as pulpit rabbis, Hillel advisors, day school and adult Jewish educators, and high-level, informed community lay leaders. The program is aimed toward college, rabbinical, and graduate students, as well as those who have completed a year(s) of advanced textual study in Israel, but will consider admission for exceptional high school students or adult professionals. Applicants must be capable of reading Rabbinic texts in the original Hebrew and Aramaic, and be fully committed to halakhah.

The Summer Beit Midrash centers around advanced chevruta/study partnerships and an integrative lesson/discussion, led by Center for Torah Leadership's Dean Klapper.  Rabbi Klapper, an instructor at Gann Academy, has mentored rabbis and educational leaders for over a decade and has published many scholarly articles. He is internationally sought as a consultant and popular lecturer, and serves on the Boston Beit Din.

The Summer Beit Midrash will be held in picturesque Sharon, Massachusetts and will provide food and housing for all fellows. It will provide men and women with advanced textual skills, the opportunity to experience Halakhah from the inside, as producers rather than consumers.  Superb learning, significant stipend-up to $1000-, and a chevra for life!

To learn more and to request an application, please call Ellen Cohn, Program Coordinator at (516) 538- 1685 or email: ModernTorahLeadership@gmail.com.

New Post 5/5/2008 1:08 AM
3 posts
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Re: Summer Beit Midrash program  (United States) (
This sounds wonderful and fascinating.  We hope you'll let us know how it turns out!  Good luck!
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