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New Post 8/6/2008 9:35 AM
1 posts
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visiting Boston  (Israel) (


My name is Michal, i'm 40 and from Israel, wishing to come for the first time to Boston. After a long search in the web i'm confused. Is anyone can reccomand a nice,central, clean and not expencive room for 10 days in october. Thank You.


New Post 8/9/2008 12:39 PM
4 posts
No Ranking

Re: visiting Boston  (United States) (
A 10 day rental will not be easy to find, so you'll do best in a hotel.  Try

But you won't meet anyone that way.  If that's what you want, you can try instead:

1. http://www.shalomboston.com/SynagoguesCongregations/tabid/59/Default.aspx
Call each synagogue and ask them if they know of any opportunities

2. Local University Hillels might put you in touch with students who would share an apartment short term to get some money.   Go to
and put in Boston for the city, Massachusetts for the state, and 10 miles for the search radius.  Each of the 24 hits you find there will have contact information.

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