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This is a fun summer dessert that appeals to both kids and adults. The sandwiches can be made in advance and stored in the freezer, wrapped individually, or assembled just before eating. My husband David makes an open-faced sandwich for himself as a summertime bed-time snack, just by scooping a tablespoon of vanilla ice cream onto a home-made chocolate chip cookie. They are very hard to resist!
Home-made chocolate chip cookies or store-bought thin, crisp cookies, such as chocolate wafers or ginger snaps
Vanilla ice cream
Let the ice cream soften slightly at room temperature.
Scoop one or more tablespoons of the ice cream onto a cookie and flatten slightly with a second cookie to cover. If the ice cream oozes out, use a knife to smooth it to make flat sides.
For kids, you can also roll the ice cream sides in sprinkles to decorate.
Serve immediately or wrap individually in plastic or wax paper and freeze.

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Sephardic Seder Menus
Seder Menu I
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Seder Menu II

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Seder Menu 2

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