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New Post 4/13/2008 5:49 PM
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Welcome!  (United States) (

Welcome back to the Food Forum, reinstated with our newly-designed ShalomBoston.com.  We hope this will become an active discussion board, with questions asked, advice given, and knowledge shared, all on the limitless array of food-related topics.

You must establish a user name and password and log in to post a message in the forum.  Please do not let this deter you!  The purpose of the login is to prevent unwanted spam postings and to keep your personal information private.  To log in for the first time, choose a user name that you would like to use in the forum and a password, and then click Register.  To post a new message, click on New Thread, fill in the boxes, and click on the appropriate instruction (update, preview, or cancel).  It's as easy as that!

Don't forget to visit the Community Forum as well, for discussion on more general topics.  Enjoy!

Jamie Stolper
ShalomBoston.com Food Editor

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  Forum  Discussions  Food  Welcome!

We encourage visitors to interact with each other through our forums.  To maintain the integrity of our forums, and provent unwanted SPAM, you must LOG IN to post to the Forums.

The ShalomBoston team reserves the right to remove any postings at its discretion.

