Untitled 3
Boston Jewish Spirit , Denomination: Reform

Boston Jewish Spirit 
15 Newbury Street Boston MA 02116
Phone: 617-262-1202
Web: www.bostonjewishspirit.org 
E-mail: info@bostonjewishspirit.org
Rabbi: Howard Berman

Boston Jewish Spirit was founded in 2004 as the first synagogue in the Back Bay, and is the only Reform Temple in the center of the city. Our growing membership comes from throughout the metro area. BJS is a liberal, inclusive Reform congregation committed to the opportunities, challenges and diversity of urban life. Our worship  and spiritual values are rooted in the historic Classical Reform tradition, interpreted in contemporary, inclusive ways.

We welcome all who are seeking to experience Judaism's universal ideals and traditions, regardless of religious background. We extend a special welcome to interfaith and multicultural families, LGBT people and residents of Boston's city neighborhoods. Together we seek to create a community of worship, learning and service, grounded in the timeless Jewish vision of a "house of prayer for all people," and responding to the mandate of our Hebrew Prophets to work for justice and peace in the world.